Body Feature Of A Mammoth Crossword

Body Feature Of A Mammoth Crossword

Body Feature Of A Mammoth Crossword


A Mammoth Crossword is a popular word puzzle game. It is composed of a grid of cells in which some of the cells contain clues. The goal of the game is to figure out the correct answers to each of the clues.



The grid of a Mammoth Crossword consists of several rows and columns. Each cell contains a clue and a blank space. The clues are related to a particular topic, such as a person, place, thing, or concept.


The clues are usually in the form of a question or phrase. They are designed to help the player think of the correct answer. The answers may be related to the topic of the puzzle or may be completely unrelated.


The solution of a Mammoth Crossword is the set of correct answers to all of the clues. The answers are placed in the empty cells to complete the puzzle. The player must use logic and reasoning to figure out the correct answers.


To solve a Mammoth Crossword, the player must use a variety of strategies. For example, the player may look for patterns in the clues, look for connections between clues, or try to solve the clues in a logical sequence.
A Mammoth Crossword is an exciting and challenging puzzle game. It requires the player to use logic and reasoning to figure out the correct answers. With practice, the player can become a master of the puzzle and solve even the most difficult Mammoth Crosswords.

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Questions and Answers:

1. QuizzKamu tau mammoth?Di perkirakan mammoth punah berapa tahun lalu?Apa yang mengakibatkan mammoth punah?Apa perbedaan mammoth dengan gajah yang sekarang?Gampang kan?, di akhir jawaban tambahkan wiiii Jangan lupa follow ya​

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

السلام عليكم...

Jawaban: ↓↓↓

Tauu... yang di film Ace Of Age itu to? Diperkirakan para ilmuwan Mamut berbulu diperkirakan telah punah sekitar 10.000 tahun yang lalu. Penyebab Punahnya Gajah Purba Ternyata karena Diburu Manusia. Sebuah tim peneliti internasional telah menggunakan simulasi komputer untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan kombinasi perubahan iklim dan perburuan manusia yang menyebabkan kepunahan mammoth berbulu.Bedanya, mammoth mempunyai punuk tebal berisi cadangan lemak yang berfungsi menahan badannya dari hawa dingin. Yang menjadikan jenis gajah ini semakin unik dan berbeda dengan gajah yang kita kenal sekarang adalah bulunya. Mammoth memiliki bulu panjang yang menutupi bulunya. Panjang bulunya mencapai tanah, lho!




Terima Kasih...


والسلام عليكم

2. What are feature of a shadow

1) The saturation component of the shadow should be low.

2) Under the Lambertian assumption, an input image I arises from a product of two intrinsic images: the reflectance image and the illumination image. Invariance to illuminant colour and intensity means that such images are free of shadows, as well, to a good degree. Since shadows are mostly due to removal of some of the lighting, such an image also has shadows removed.

3. What are feature of a shadow

Terjemahannya :
Apa ciri bayangannya?

4. what's the answer of this Crossword puzzle?​

lebih detailnya buat bukti klo itu nyambung ada di gambar yaa, maaf klo gambarnya kurang memuaskan karena saya lagi ga mood;(.

biar lebih jelas bisa lihat disini ⬇️









perasaan sedih bahwa tidak ada yang berharga itu kecewa(emptiness)sesuatu yang memaksa seseorang untuk memukul ke arah yang khusus yaitu menembak (shot)bagian dalam artinya ya inside.sesuatu yang menjadi kebenaran yaitu kebenaran (truth)untuk dapat hidup dengan eksis yaitu bertahan (survive)



yang dilakukan untuk bisa merobek sesuatu yaitu merobek (tear)persamaan kata vanish adalah disappear yang artinya musnahmenjadi cair akibat kepanasan yaitu meleleh (melt)persamaan kata unhappiness yaitu sorrow yang artinya sedih, suram, dll.sesuatu yang membuat kita kuat adalah tenaga/energi (strength)

kmu bisa isi sendiri di dalam kotaknya klo semuanya nyambung berarti bener.

down➡️menuruncross ➡️mendatar(ke samping)


5. language feature of billboard​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan:

Billboard adalah sebuah papan reklame untuk menayangkan iklan kepada khalayak umum sehingga bahasa dan konten yang dipasang harus mudah dipahami sekaligus kreatif.

Language feature:

Easy to UnderstandSimpleActualCreativeInnovative

Jadikan brainliest answer

6. Language feature of brochure

bahasa ciri dari brosurgraphic aids, and pictures/illustrations = ada banyak gambar dan tulisan (maaf klo salah dan kurang lengkap)

7. Intermediate Crossword Puzzle- Months Of The Year





4.maaf gk tau


6.maaf gak tau


8.maaf gak tau




8. languange feature of banner

languange fitur banner

9. Can you guess which part of our body does these things? Read the clues. Write your answers in the the crossword puzzle

Subject : English
Category : Vocabulary
Keywords : parts of body

Across :
2. lungs
3. stomach
6. brain
7. bones

Down :
1. intestines
4. muscles
5. heart

10. write the feature of advertisement

mksudnya apa yh yang jelas donk


Artinya : "Apa judul iklannya"


Maap kalo salah

11. Language feature of Compliment

bahasa fitur dari pujian.
itu mungkin kalo artinya

maaf kalo salah

12. A very visible feature of modern technology is the presence of


Technology is defined as “purposeful intervention by design”, and technological practice as the activity through which technological outcomes are created and have impact in the world. Technological outcomes are designed to enhance the capabilities of people and expand human possibilities.

13. social work education ....... body of knowledge, body of skills, and body of values. a. involve b. involves c. involving d. involved

yg benar Social work education involves body of knowledge, body of skills, and body of values. jadi jawaban nya ainvolves..krn social work education bila mjd kata ganti mjd it..

14. leaguage feature of phamplet

..Fitur bahasa pamflet

15. generic feature of form​


fitur umum dari bentuk


enteng kak

16. Jelaskan tentang A body of knowledge?​


a body of knowledge) merupakan kumpulan pengetahuan yang mempelajari sifat dan gejala pada benda di alam

17. language feature of pamphlet

Text Features: The parts of printed items that help the reader find and learn information easily: print features, organizational aids, graphic aids, and pictures/illustrations.

Cr: Ramadhana21

18. paragraph one tells us about? a. our body b. three parts of our body c. the organs of our bodyd. the functions of our body ​


B. three parts of our body


B. three parts of our body.

maaf kalau salah

19. language feature of announcement text

fitur bahasa teks pengumuman

20. language feature of invitation

politeknik language ☺

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