The topic of "There Are Giants In The Sky" Lyrics is a song by the British band Coldplay that was released in 2019. It is about recognizing and appreciating the beauty of life, and how it can be found in the smallest of things. **What is the message of the song?** The message of the song is to appreciate and recognize the beauty of life and the people and things around us, and to be grateful for them.
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Questions and Answers:
1. There are ... in the sky
There are birds in the sky.
There are a lot of birds in the sky.
There are stars in the sky.
There are two stars in the sky.
There are five aircraft in the sky.
There are kites in the sky.
Kata "there are" digunakan untuk menunjukkan kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan jumlahnya lebih dari satu.
Kata "there are" berarti "ada".
Kata "aircraft" bila jumlahnya lebih satu, tetap ditulis "aircraft", bukan "aircrafts".
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai there are ... in the farm pada
2. jawablah titik titik there are ....... in the sky
There are birds in the sky.
There are three birds in the sky.
There are two planes in the sky.
Kata "there are" digunakan untuk menunjukkan kata benda yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu. Kata "there are" sendiri berarti "ada".
Pada jawaban di atas, artinya
There are birds in the sky adalah ada burung-burung di langit.
There are three birds in the sky adalah ada tiga burung di langit.
There are two planes in the sky adalah ada dua pesawat di langit.
Pelajari lebih lanjut soal there are ... in the farm pada
3. look there! The birds are flying in the sky.mengapa jawabannya are flying
Karena Burung Itu Terbang :v
karena the birds artinya kan burung burung itu maka kan menggunakan kata mereka karena lebih dari satu atau bahasa inggris nya they jadi bila menggunakan they maka to be nya are maka nya kenapa itu jadi are flying
to be are di gunakan untuk ,you,they,we
itu dari saya
4. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini kedalam bentuk negative (-) ! There are any stars in the sky = …
Jawaban: 1. There are not any stars in the sky.
2. Aren't there any stars in the sky?.
(+) There are any stars in the sky
(-) There are not any stars in the sky
(?) Are there any stars in the sky?
smg mmbntu
5. urutkan kata kata b inggris berikut stars-are-there-of-thousand-sky-the-in
there are thousand of stars in the sky. maaf jika ada kesalahan...There are thousands of stars in the sky : ada ribuan bintang di langit.
6. Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini kedalam bentuk negative (-) ! There are any stars in the sky = …There is a tree behind the house = …There is a book on the chair = …There are any students at school = …Are there many apples in the basket = …
1. There are any stars in the sky = There aren't any stars in the sky in the sky.
2. There is a tree behind the house = There isn't a tree behind the house.
3. There is a book on the chair = There isn't a book on the chair.
4. There are any students at school = There aren't any students at school.
5. Are there many apples in the basket = Aren't there many apples in the basket?
1) There aren't (singkatan dari are not) any stars in the sky
2) There isn't (singkatan dari is not) a tree behind the house
3) there isn't a book on the chair
4) there aren't any students atau school
5) Aren't there many apples in the basket???
7. Are there many things in the sky?Answer:2. Are there comets in the sky?Answer:3. How many planets are there around the sun?Answer:4.Is Jupiter the farthest planet?Answer:5. How long does the moon revolve the earth?
1. Lots
2.there are so many
3.there are eight planets
4.yes planet far away (779 million km)
8. "Are There Any Clouds In The Sky?" Jawabannya Pakai Bahasa Inggris
"Yes, There are"
Maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu :D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes , there are
maaf iya kalok salah
9. there are ....... ( Lima puluh dua) stats in the sky
There are fifty two stars in the sky
Jawaban:There are fifty teo stats in the sky
Smoga membantu yaas
10. how.....seagulls are there in the sky? tolong jawab ya
How many seagulls are there in the sky?
Untuk kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun), kita menggunakan many, bukan much untuk mengatakan banyak.
seagull adalah countable noun.
A seagull, two seagulls, several seagulls, many seagulls.
Untuk uncountable noun, kita memakai kata much.
Uncountable noun adalah noun yang kita tidak bisa sebutkan satu ____, dua ___. Misalnya water/air.
Kita tidak bisa sebutkan satu air (one water), dua air (two water).
Atau susu: satu susu, dua susu.
Atau udara. Kita tidak bisa bilang: satu udara, dua udara.
Atau uang. Kita tidak bisa mengatakan satu uang, dua uang.
Nah untuk noun semacam ini kita pakai much.
Dia punya banyak sekali uang.
He has so much money, bukan he has so many money.
Semoga bermanfaat
11. the stars in the sky....are ...shining
The stars are shining in the sky
The stars are shining in the sky
12. there are ___ in the sky: a balloon?bener nggak?
yaa bener there are balloon in the sky
13. There are ... birds in the sky. *a lotslittlefewa lot of
there are little birds in the sky
maaf ya kak kalo salah
There are a lot of bird in the skyMaag kl slah
14. 1. are there many things in the sky?2. are there comets in the sky? many planets are there around the sun?? jupiter the fanthest planet?? long does the moon revolve the earth?
1. Yes, there are.
2. Yes, there are.
3. There are eight planets around the sun.
4. No, it isn't. Neptune is the farthest planet.
5. The moon revolves the earth in one month.
15. There are many activities in the song lyrics. what activities cab you do ?
Dancing, eating, drinking
16. Its.......and rainy there the sky there are apa isi titik titik
it's dark and rainy. there are clouds in the sky
17. there ... any stars in the sky havehasisare
jawaban :
semoga membantu :)
18. Apa arti there is much air pollution . so, there are very few stars in the sky there. There are a lot more stars in small villages
begitu banyak polusi udara. jadi, hanya ada sedikit bintang di langit sana. Ada lebih banyak bintang di desa-desa kecil
19. thete are ........ in the sky
there are cloud in the sky
Jawabannya :
Penjelasan :
pertanyaan adlah tentang menanyakan warna langit karena itu jawabannya biru
20. There are many stars in...... sky
There are many stars in the sky